- Crossover Sierra Crew
- Crossover High Sierra
- Crossover Series Alexander Kwame
- Crossover Series Books
- Crossover Serie Resistor
In my page on Adam 12 and Emergency I pointed out that as a producer Jack Webbliked to make shows focusing on pairs of male guardians of the public good. He did detectives,uniformed cops, paramedics... he even tried a pilot episode for a spin off show from Emergency about animal controlofficers!
Crossover Sierra Crew
Most all of his shows did quite well but with the show Sierra I think theformula had just finally run out of steam. He was running out of heroic government employees! Whatwas left? National Park Rangers my friend, that's who was left. Sierra told the story of rangerstrying to watch over the fictional Sierra National Park. They watched after campers and hikers whomight get themselves into trouble and need rescuing while also trying to preserve the parks naturalwonders. Preserving those wonders for future generations is of course the point of having NationalParks.
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Now don't get me wrong. I love the National Parks, I know people who workfor the Park Service and Lord knows there are idiot campers out there who need saved. I just thinkthe idea of the show was a hard sell. Cops and paramedics you instantly think 'danger!' and'action!' With Park Rangers though you think camping and roasting some weenies. It just doesn'tfly.
Crossover High Sierra
Not that they didn't give it a good try. Jack Webb's shows had a habit ofusing crossovers to help get people watching one show interested in another. Adam 12 did crossoverswith both Dragnet and Emergency. And before it was over Emergency snuck in a crossover withSierra... supposedly. I'm not gonna lie to you. I never saw Sierra and even if I had I would'vebeen four years old and would not remember it a great deal. But as I was scouting out the internetfor info for this site I came across a reference to Emergency crossing over with Sierra. I can'tconfirm this crossover given the fact that I doubt the failed Sierra ever saw the light of daypassed its first airing but I believe given the propensity of Jack Webb's Mark VII shows tocross over that it is probably legit.
Crossover Series Alexander Kwame
Crossover Series Books
The crossover supposedly was on Sierra and had Emergency paramedics RoyDeSoto and John Gage out doing mountain climbing training in the Sierra Park. Like I said though,they could climb all they wanted, the audience refused to follow.
Crossover Serie Resistor
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