On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In the Connections pane, go to the site, application, or directory for which you want to add a MIME type.
- Quick reference for adding.woff and.woff2 fonts to IIS 7.5 as MIME types. You can add the MIME type as a global, or for the specific website. For either, you can add it through IIS Manager or the.
- The primary mechanism for deciding how to display content is the MIME type header. Able to add value by having the capability of acting as a simple Web.
I’m currently building a HTML 5 website, using Microsoft’s www.beautyoftheweb.com as inspiration.
Taking inspiration sometimes means “borrowing” some of the graphics and styles on a site you like and incorporating them into your own work. For the purposes of education, this isn’t always a bad thing.
One of the things I borrowed was a rather nice SVG background image, that sort of looks like glass. I just downloaded that image and added into my MVC project. The thing was, that no matter what CSS I tried, I couldn’t get the image to actually display. Some investigation into the issue revealed that IIS Express is configured not to actually server SVG files. It returns HTTP 403 status code.
In order to add support for SVG, the MIME type must be added to the IIS Express configuration. Thankfully, this is easy.
Iso Mime Type Iis
Add Dmg To Iis Mime Type 2
- Open a console application with administrator privilages.
- Navigation to the IIS Express directory. This lives under Program Files or Program Files (x86)
- Run the command appcmd set config /section:staticContent /+[fileExtension=’svg’,mimeType=’image/svg+xml’]
This will add the necessary MIME extension to IIS so it will serve SVG files without issue.
Here is a simple way to control who downloads your files...
You will have to set: $filename, $downloaddir, $safedir and $downloadURL.
Basically $filename is the name of a file, $downloaddir is any dir on your server, $safedir is a dir that is not accessible by a browser that contains a file named $filename and $downloadURL is the URL equivalent of your $downloaddir.
The way this works is when a user wants to download a file, a randomly named dir is created in the $downloaddir, and a symbolic link is created to the file being requested. The browser is then redirected to the new link and the download begins.
The code also deletes any past symbolic links created by any past users before creating one for itself. This in effect leaves only one symbolic link at a time and prevents past users from downloading the file again without going through this script. There appears to be no problem if a symbolic link is deleted while another person is downloading from that link.
This is not too great if not many people download the file since the symbolic link will not be deleted until another person downloads the same file.
Anyway enjoy:
$letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$string = ';
for ($i = 1; $i <= rand(4,12); $i++) {
$q = rand(1,24);
$string = $string . $letters[$q];
$handle = opendir($downloaddir);
while ($dir = readdir($handle)) {
if (is_dir($downloaddir . $dir)){
if ($dir != '.' && $dir != '..'){
@unlink($downloaddir . $dir . '/' . $filename);
@rmdir($downloaddir . $dir);
mkdir($downloaddir . $string, 0777);
symlink($safedir . $filename, $downloaddir . $string . '/' . $filename);
Header('Location: ' . $downloadURL . $string . '/' . $filename);