If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address below, the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm. Contact Remington through their Help Center by e-mail at info@remington.com or call their historian at 1-800-243-9700 Mon-Fri 9-5 EST.
Anyone have any info related to how to tell where a marlin was manufactured. I did find this:
On the left side of the barrel near the receiver will be a small jm stamp if it was made before the
Rimington take over. If you see REM with a border around it, it is made after the Remington take over. Remington eventually moved the serial number from the upper tang to the left side of the receiver. The take over happened in 2010 so serial numbers starting with the numbers 90XXXXXX need to examined closely as that was a transition year. Those with 89XXXXXX, or if any with 88XXXXXX will be all Remington and probably say Illion N.Y. on the barrel in stead of North Haven Cn.

Remington Model 600 Mohawk
Remington 870, 700, 1100 Serial/Barrel Number Lookup Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup enables you to check when your Remington firearm was manufactured. Now you can do this automatically using Rem870.com Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup. Remington serial numbers located on receiver of your shotgun or rifle. But you need to use two letter code which is located. Call or email Remington and give them the serial number, they will tell you when it was born, however keep in mind they do make errors. Back up what they tell you with this information; DECODING REMINGTON SERIAL NUMBERS Model 870 LETTER PREFIX 1950 TO APPROX 1968: NO SERIAL NUMBER PREFIX 1968 TO PRESENT: LETTERS USED (IN SEQUENCE). Mar 26, 2020 A serial number is printed on the receiver of each Remington rifle or shotgun, provided it's a newer model. Serial numbers were not a requirement until 1968, so older firearms may not have serial numbers. You can still use the two-letter code on the barrel of the rifle or shotgun to look up the firearm's age. I recently inherited a model 600 rem and heard there was a recall and checked out the remington website on it. My serial number is low at 5XXX and it didn't have the 'A' serial number or the 'V' stamped for 1979 update.