Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password

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  5. Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password
Saturday, February 01, 2020

See this article for other sources for historical stock quotes. Example 2: Get data from a published Google Spreadsheet.See my article Excel Stock Quotes in Excel to see how you can publish a Google Spreadsheet and then use a web query to get the data into Excel. Become a Web Query Wiz. Take a few minutes to think about what mundane or repetitive tasks YOU do on the internet, particularly. I am trying to automate few web queries for my company's website. The website is password secured and everytime the excel is opened, it asks for the UID and pwd via the windows security pop-up. Is there a way to pass the credentials to windows security login via VBA. PS: I tried to open a web browser, connect to it and then run the. The web table will be loaded in Excel after a few seconds. We’ll see the data on the left, where the number 1 is in the picture below. Number 2 highlights the Query used to get the data from the website. When we have multiple queries in a work book, this is where we select the one we need to use.

You probably know how to use basic functions in Excel. It’s easy to do things like sorting, applying filters, making charts, and outlining data with Excel. You even can perform advanced data analysis using pivot and regression models. It becomes an easy job when the live data turns into a structured format. The problem is, how can we extract scalable data and put it into Excel? This can be tedious if you doing it manually by typing, searching, copying and pasting repetitively. Instead, you can achieve automated data scraping from websites to excel.

In this article, I will introduce several ways to save your time and energy to scrape web data into Excel.


There many other ways to scrape from websites using programming languages like PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby and etc. Here we just talk about how to scrape data from websites into excel for non-coders.

Getting web data using Excel Web Queries

Except for transforming data from a web page manually by copying and pasting, Excel Web Queries is used to quickly retrieve data from a standard web page into an Excel worksheet. It can automatically detect tables embedded in the web page's HTML. Excel Web queries can also be used in situations where a standard ODBC(Open Database Connectivity) connection gets hard to create or maintain. You can directly scrape a table from any website using Excel Web Queries.

The process boils down to several simple steps (Check out this article):

1. Go to Data > Get External Data > From Web


2. A browser window named “New Web Query” will appear

3. In the address bar, write the web address

(picture from excel-university.com)

4. The page will load and will show yellow icons against data/tables.

5. Select the appropriate one

6. Press the Import button.

Now you have the web data scraped into the Excel Worksheet - perfectly arranged in rows and columns as you like.

Getting web data using Excel VBA

Most of us would use formula's in Excel(e.g. =avg(...), =sum(...), =if(...), etc.) a lot, but less familiar with the built-in language - Visual Basic for Application a.k.a VBA. It’s commonly known as “Macros” and such Excel files are saved as a **.xlsm. Before using it, you need to first enable the Developer tab in the ribbon (right click File -> Customize Ribbon -> check Developer tab). Then set up your layout. In this developer interface, you can write VBA code attached to various events. Click HERE (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ee814737(v=office.14).aspx) to getting started with VBA in excel 2010.

Using Excel VBA is going to be a bit technical - this is not very friendly for non-programmers among us. VBA works by running macros, step-by-step procedures written in Excel Visual Basic. To scrape data from websites to Excel using VBA, we need to build or get some VBA script to send some requests to web pages and get returned data from these web pages. It’s common to use VBA with XMLHTTP and regular expressions to parse the web pages. For Windows, you can use VBA with WinHTTP or InternetExplorer to scrape data from websites to Excel.

With some patience and some practice, you would find it worthwhile to learn some Excel VBA code and some HTML knowledge to make your web scraping into Excel much easier and more efficient for automating the repetitive work. There’s a plentiful amount of material and forums for you to learn how to write VBA code.

Automated Web Scraping Tools

For someone who is looking for a quick tool to scrape data off pages to Excel and doesn’t want to set up the VBA code yourself, I strongly recommend automated web scraping tools like Octoparse to scrape data for your Excel Worksheet directly or via API. There is no need to learn to program. You can pick one of those web scraping freeware from the list, and get started with extracting data from websites immediately and exporting the scraped data into Excel. Different web scraping tool has its pros and cons and you can choose the perfect one to fit your needs. The below video shows how to leverage an automated web scraping tool to extract web data to excel efficiently.

Check out this post and try out these TOP 30 free web scraping tools

Outsource Your Web Scraping Project

If time is your most valuable asset and you want to focus on your core businesses, outsourcing such complicated web scraping work to a proficient web scraping team that has experience and expertise would be the best option. It’s difficult to scrape data from websites due to the fact that the presence of anti-scraping bots will restrain the practice of web scraping. A proficient web scraping team would help you get data from websites in a proper way and deliver structured data to you in an Excel sheet, or in any format you need.

Read Latest Customer Stories: How Web Scraping Helps Business of All Sizes

Webスクレイピングについての記事は 公式サイトでも読むことができます。
Artículo en español: Scraping de Datos del Sitio Web a Excel
También puede leer artículos de web scraping en el Website Oficial

Making and Using Excel web queries

Web queries bring tables from the web directly into Microsoft Excel. These instructions explain how to make and use web queries for Microsoft Excel on your Mac.

By Jim Gordon, co-author of
Office 2011 for Mac All-in-One For Dummies

Data in Web pages

Data in web pages can be displayed a variety of ways:

  • In row and column tables that are HTML based
  • As the result of a query
  • As a picture
  • Within a PDF file
With Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac you can grab data from row and column HTML tables. If a query result is presented as an HTML table, you can capture that too. You can't import data directly from pictures or PDF files. Only data arranged in row and column HTML tables can be imported using a web query. Other techniques (e.g. Optical Character Recognition, Adobe PDF tools, etc) not discussed on this page can be used for capturing data from pictures and PDF files.

Getting the data

You can get HTML row and column data by running a web query. A web query is a text file saved with a .iqy file extension. A web query file contains the URL of the web page that holds the data.

Free samples - but now they're broken!

Excel comes with these three free sample web queries that were supposed to let you see web queries in action: Dow Jones put the kabash on these samples, so they no longer work.

  • MSN MoneyCentral Currencies
  • MSN MoneyCentral Major Indices
  • MSN MoneyCentral Stock Quotes

See below ffor how to make your own queries. Once you've made a web query, follow these instructions to run it.

Run a web query

Your Mac must have a live internet connection to run queries on web pages that are found on the internet.

There are three ways to run a web query in Excel 2011. Excel comes with some example web queries. To try one of the example queries, run the MSN MoneyCentral Currencies query using the first method described below. The result set will be a data range containing up to the minute currency exchange rates for the US dollar vs other currencies. The query becomes part of the Excel worksheet. The result set of a query is called a QueryTable.

  • From the Data menu choose Get External Data > Run Saved query.
    1. The Choose a Query dialog displays defaulting to the Queries folder.
    2. Select a query file to run in the Choose a Query dialog.
    3. Click the Get Data button.
    4. The Returning Data to Excel dialog opens. You can choose a cell that will be used for the upper left cell of the imported table. The default location shown is the cell that was selected when you started these steps. We'll discuss the Properties option later.
    5. Click the OK button. Wait as Excel imports the data from the web page. Import speed depends on network speed and how much data you import.
  • Click the Run Saved Query button. Because Microsoft forgot to put this button into the Ribbon, to use this option you must first add the Run Saved Query command to a toolbar Once you've added the Run Saved Query command to a toolbar:
    1. Click the Run Saved Query button.
    2. The Choose a Query dialog displays defaulting to the Queries folder.
    3. Select the query file to run in the Choose a Query dialog.
    4. Click the Get Data Button.
    5. The Returning Data to Excel dialog opens. You can choose a cell that will be used for the upper left cell of the imported table. The default location shown is the cell that was selected when you started these steps. We'll discuss the Properties option later.
    6. Click the OK button. Wait as Excel imports the data from the web page. Import speed depends on network speed and how much data you import.
  • Run a query using a VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macro
    • Click here for instructions on how to display the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)
    • Click here for an introduction to how to code using the VBE
    • For an example, see heading below on this page: Web queries and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

To refresh the data from the web page, select any cell within the query results and then from the Data menu choose Refresh Data.

Web query results are displayed differently in Excel from the way the look on a web page. Formatting is minimally retained. Hyperlinks may or may not work. 'Relative' hyperlinks and specialty hyperlink protocols will not work when clicked.

Make a simple web query

The simplest web query consists of the URL of a web page which has an HTML table saved as a text file. To make your web query, take the following steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Word to a new, blank document
  2. Type or paste the URL of the web page that has an HTML table into your document. In this example use http://www.agentjim.com/. When pasting a URL, use the little widget that appears and Keep Text Only from the pop-up menu.
  3. Use File > Save As and choose file format Plain Text (.txt). Give the text file a sensible name. Navigate to this location: Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Queries and then click the Save button.
  4. The File Conversion dialog opens. In the options for Text Encoding choose MS-DOS, and in the Options section click the check box for Insert Line Breaks. Then click the OK button to complete saving your file.
  5. We're done with Word. If you want to he a purist, Take this optional step: in Finder, navigate to the file you just saved. Change the file extension from .txt to .iqy. You have to do this in Finder because Word won't let you change the file extension form .txt to .iqy when you save the file. The web query file will work even if you don't change the file extension to .iqy and leave it as .txt.

Now you can run your saved web query as described earlier.

Make a dynamic (parameter) web query

Some web pages request input so that custom result sets can be delivered. You can see how such a web query is constructed by opening the files in Microsoft Word to examine the contents of the built-in web queries. When you run the web query MSN MoneyCentral Stock Quotes you are prompted to enter the code for a particular stock. If you use Microsoft Word to open the sample web query MSN MoneyCentral Stock Quotes you can see the text for that query. This query uses the formal structure for a web query. The question mark embedded after the URL triggers Excel to display a dialog box prompt for the web page, which is expecting a stock market SYMBOL parameter from a web browser. QUOTE is the name of the parameter (See Figure 3 below):



http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/external/excel/quotes.asp?SYMBOL=['QUOTE','Enterstock, fund or other MSN MoneyCentral Investor symbols separated by commas.']






Here's another example of a dynamic web query. This simple is for Yahoo Finance where jasz is a stock market symbol:


This example also queries Yahoo, but this one puts the results into a single column

http://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=ORCL&s=CSCO&s=COHR&f=sl1 For

Working with query result sets

The result set querytable of a web query has many properties you can control. When you first make your web query, there are settings available to you in the Returning External Data to Excel dialog (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Returning External Data to Excel

Click the Properties button to display the External Data Range Properties dialog when you first make a query. You can also display this dialog by right-clicking into the querytable result set and choosing Data Range Properties from the pop-up menu. The options presented are context sensitive. Not all options are available for web queries.

Figure 2 - External Data Range Properties

If your web query is dynamic (requests a parameter), the Parameters button becomes available in the Return External Data to Excel dialog box. Click the Parameters button to display the Parameters dialog, (see Figure 2). In this dialog you can modify the text of the prompt, enter a value to always use, or choose a cell and use that cell's value to satisfy the prompt. The Parameters dialog can also be displayed by right-clicking in the querytable result set of a parameter query and choosing Parameters from the pop-up menu.

Note the option to 'Fill down formulas in columns adjacent to data.' Enabling this option lets you use calculated columns with the web query result set.

Figure 3 - Parameters

Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password Page

Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password

Web queries and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

You must use full URLs and they must be http:// type URLs. Here is a code example showing VBA syntax:

Sub MakeWebQuery()
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
'URL;http://www.domainname.com', Destination:= _
.PostText = 'local'
.Name = False
.FieldNames = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.HasAutoFormat = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = 1
.BackgroundQuery = False
.TablesOnlyFromHTML = True
.SaveData = True
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
.UseListObject = False
End With
End Sub

Excel For Mac Web Query

Use the following code to refresh a query. The selection cursor must be in the QueryTable before running this code. If a parameter query is refreshed, the user will be prompted for parameters.

Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password Change

Sub RefreshQuery()
Selection.QueryTable.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End Sub

Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password Free

Excel For Mac Web Query Example With Login And Password